Workshop on forest governance in Peninsula Malaysia
11 Julai 2020 pada 1:30:00 PG
forest, hutan, workshop

Thank you for participating in KAMY's first physical workshop in this pandemic.
Forest protection in Malaysia is even more critical in this 'recovery phase', and degazetting permanent forest reserves and converting it to thousands of hectares of forest plantation (including Musang King Durian which is a species not allowed under the EIA for cultivation) is not only irresponsible but maybe a good setting for corruption.
With the impending climate crisis ahead, there needs to be an oversight committee led by NGOs and the communities to monitor the state government's, particularly the MB Inc veto in land rights.
The #ForestTrainingSeries will dive deeper into the intersectionalities of forest governance in Peninsula Malaysia (forest-climate-people-finance-gender), and plans for more engaging field trips to degraded forests in the northern part of Peninsula Malaysia.
We had 70% of women representation in the workshop yesterday including a representative of the Orang Asli community. Well done all ya women!
Also a shout out to our youth members of #GabunganDaruratIklim for this amazing collaboration!