Be part of the change in 2020
On the cusp of the new decade, we would like to wish everyone a blessed new year and thank you for your endless support for the climate movement.
The new decade sends a signal that we have more or less ten years before the temperature hikes up to more than 1.5 degrees Celcius. This will throw the natural systems out of balance, and as creatures that rely so much on nature – this posed an existential threat for humanity itself. With the way we are consuming things right now, without any regards to the environment, we are denying the rights of future generation to a habitable planet.
And, for some community, that future is now. For example, this region is choking from a yearly haze crisis during the heatwaves, where the sky turned red in many areas, millions of people are smoking poison, schools closing for long periods of time etc – the haze is a public health nightmare as well as releasing gigatonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere. In the north – Myanmar and the Philippines, extreme weather patterns have caused frequent and stronger cyclones, leaving a trail of death and destruction.
Sea levels are rising, and as more natural barriers like the mangroves are disappearing, more coastal cities will be hit hard and submerged in the next few decades. The magnitude of the tropical rainforest loss has not only led to a biodiversity crisis but also the degradation of water catchment that we heavily relied on. As resources wane, people will panic, hate, and blame. And this, will be a normal setting for our future, and perhaps even much worse.
Our world is degrading fast into a state where it is not habitable anymore. Everyone will bear the implications -- you, your family, your friends, and your community. For some, the crisis has already hit them, risking food and water securities that have led to social unrest.
This is the tipping point, if we fail to act now, our generation will be the first to perish because of climate change.
In 2019, we have seen a surge of people from various backgrounds, young and old, stood together amid the climate crisis. Inside this crisis, incredible groups of young people have emerged with an amazing level of passion and creativity, and novel ways to organize and collaborate. The young, despite carrying the heavy burden and consequences of inaction by the corrupt and broken system, have shown resilience, strength, unity, survival and most important of all: HOPE.
For the past one-year, young people globally have taken the lead for a social change – asking for a better future, pushing for a JUST climate policy where all voices are heard, and even designing for technological solutions.
Gone were the days where only people in science can talk about the climate crisis. The young people today are a new breed of climate and environmental activists, constantly rethinking novel ways to empower the people to bring about the system and social change needed to heal this world.
Read our impact snapshot of the activities we have run since our inception nine months ago,
When KAMY started in early March 2019, we aim to bridge the gap existing between environmental and human rights causes in Malaysia to establish that these two causes intersect and are evermore connected in the future.
One of the common responses we have gotten is that the issue of the climate crisis is too complex and abstract that these groups simply felt overwhelmed by the magnitude of its impacts. We realized that emulating climate campaigns from the Northern states, especially from developed nations, will fail to work in Malaysia given the different socio-economic and geographic scales, and climate literacy levels. The climate movement also faces a monumental challenge to maintain momentum.
As a small and new group, which is run mostly by university students and young professionals, we have to select issues that we can work best with our current capacity. KAMY will focus on two main campaigns in 2020; CLIMATE STRIKES and ADVOCACY.
Our work is utilized by a wide cross-sector of the community including the media, frontline communities, schools and universities, environmental and human rights NGOs, health organizations, government bodies, and individuals.
Click on the links below to browse further information.
KAMY's ethos is putting people at the center of climate action. Community empowerment can ensure that inclusive policymaking translates to meaningful implementation and regulation, and thus ensuring impactful and meaningful action
By using a range of strategies such as producing reports, visual items, media work, community events, strategic projects, and prolific social media output, we can engage with a wide cross-section of the Malaysian public.
As an independent organization, we rely on our fantastic community of supporters (people just like you!) to help us raise funds for our work. Together, you will help us reach new networks, raise vital funds and populate the Malaysian everyday life on impacts of the climate crisis and what possible solutions to mitigate and adapt to the warming climate.
We aim to promote honest and transparent campaigns
Click HERE to read the financial breakdown of these campaigns and how you can contribute financially
We need volunteers and it doesn’t matter if you lack the experience. Our team will gladly assist and guide you on your tasks based on your abilities and commitment. So don’t doubt yourself, because we don’t! We do not discriminate and we believe that everybody has a role to play and it is our moral responsibility to ensure that our voices are heard, and collectively mitigate this crisis and prepare ourselves for the warming climate.
What kind of volunteers are we looking for?
Research team for the campaigns
Visual designers : video editing, poster, illustration & infographic designers
#MYClimateStrike volunteers
>> https://www.klimaactionmalaysia.org/sertai-kamy <<
We are on a constant lookout for new partners to work with. Email us!
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